Athlos Leadership Academy

Ms. Mary Byrne » Bio


Hello! I am Mary Byrne, and I will be your child’s 1st grade teacher. I am so excited and honored to welcome your child to my classroom.  This will be my first year teaching at Athlos Leadership Academy but I have taught for many, many years at the primary level.  


I received my teaching degree from Mankato State University and my Masters' degree from St. Thomas University in Special Education.  In my most recent experience I served as a literacy coach.  


My most favorite thing about my job is teaching my Firsties to LOVE reading!!!!  I am beyond excited to Welcome all of my students and families to my classroom this year! 




A Peek at our Week

Look at the Week of May 13th        

Hello first grade families! Take a look at our week.


This week we will take unit nine assessment. We will review all first-grade math skills learned this year before we take our end of the year assessment.

Language Arts


This week we will continue unit ten! We will explore sound, light, and heat. We will compare and contrast the differences between them.

Language and Writing Skills: This week we will review grammar skills previously taught (noun, verbs, pronouns, suffixes, prefixes, sentence structures).


We will be making and reading complex vowel /O/ words.

Spelling words this week are: draw, small, chalk, taught, yawn, launch, caught, fault, father, never

We will take a spelling and reading comprehension assessment on Friday.

Life Science: This week we will take our sprouts and plant them outside!


Upcoming Dates to Remember

May 16th: Mother/Son Dance

May 17th: Father/Daughter Dance

May 17th: Family Deadline to Register for Summer Camp

May 20th-24th: Field Days


May 28th-31st: Book Fair

May 31st: Beach Day

June 1st: Tater Daze Parade

June 3rd: Talent Show


Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate.

Mary Byrne

First Grade Teacher

 Room 231

[email protected]

(763) 777-8942 # 8813

A Peek at Next Week

The Week of May 6th       

Hello First Grade Families!


This week we will complete unit nine. We will review measurement and learn how to add and subtract two-digit numbers. Next week we will take the unit nine assessment.

Language Arts


This week we will begin unit ten! We will explore sound, light, and heat. We will compare and contrast the differences between them.

Language and Writing Skills: This week we will continue to learn about preposition words. Words such as; between, during, beyond, up, over & in. We will write complete sentences using preposition.


We will be making and reading silent letters (wr, kn, gn) words. Spelling words come home on Monday along with the week’s homework. 

We will take a spelling assessment on Friday.


Life Science:

We will continue to observe our planted seeds as they sprout and grow.


Homework: Make sure your child is reading for at least twenty minutes each night.

Reading at home:

Please have your student read online on their Razkids account twenty minutes each night!


To use student account login to:

Teacher: mbyrne71

Click their name

Student passwords are their student ID/lunch number.



May 9th Music Program 10:15

Parents Welcome!


Upcoming Dates to Remember

May 9th: Prek-1st Music Program

May 16th: Mother/Son Dance

May 17th: Father/Daughter Dance

May 17th: Family Deadline to Register for Summer Camp

May 20th-24th: Field Days


May 28th-31st: Book Fair

May 31st: Beach Day

June 1st: Tater Daze Parade

June 3rd: Talent Show


Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate.

Mary Byrne

First Grade Teacher

 Room 231

[email protected]


A Look at the Week

                                       Look at the Week April 15th      

Hello first grade families!


This week we will finish unit eight. We will review the units learning targets and take the unit assessment on Thursday.

Language Arts

This week we will begin unit nine. In unit nine we will learn about goods and services.

Language and Writing Skills: This week we will be categorizing different objects. We will write sentences about people who do services in our community. We will review word endings and discuss how they change meaning of the words.


We will be making and reading /ou/ and /ow/ diphthong words.

We will take a spelling and reading comprehension assessment on Friday.

Life Science: This week we will continue observing the life cycle of a butterfly. Last week our caterpillars moved into the pupa stage!

Social Studies: We will be learning about wants versus needs and goods and services.

Homework: Make sure your child is reading for at least twenty minutes each night.

They may read online on their Razkids account twenty minutes each night!

To use student account login to:

Teacher: mbyrne71

Click their name

Student passwords are their student ID/lunch number.



April 24th Field Trip Forms Due

April 30th Field Trip to the Como Zoo

April 30th Raffle Basket Items Due

The classroom needs Kleenex if your family could donate Kleenex to us that would be greatly appreciated.

Please send in items for our May Madness Raffle!

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate with me!

Mary Byrne

Our Caterpillars are Here!!!!

Our painted caterpillars arrived today.  We will be watching and observing the caterpillars go through the lifecycle.  We are SO excited!  The caterpillars that came are very large and it won't take them long to form a j and make their chrysalis! We will definitely be having some excitement in our classroom this week!  
Ask your child to share with you at home!

Next Week is Spirit Week!

Next week is SPIRIT WEEK!

Monday: Hoodie Day

Tuesday: Pajama Day

Wednesday: School Color Day (red, black, gray, white)

Thursday: Jersey Day

Friday: Hat Day



Trimester 3

Today marks the first day of the third trimester.  Report cards will be coming home soon.  
In both math and reading, we continue with unit 7.  
In math, we are working on attributes of shapes and subtraction.  We will be taking a quiz this week on subtraction. 
In reading, we are working on we are working on long i spellings.  Our spelling list was sent home today (with this weeks homework), and we will be working on the different ways that long i can be spelled.  Our spelling test will be on Friday.  We are still working on the past, present, and future.  We make time everyday to read quietly.  The first graders reading abilities has sky rocketed and it is so fun to watch them dive into a great book!  
Please make sure that you are reading every night with your child!  
We are looking forward to a great week ahead!

Reminder for this Week

There is no school on Friday 3/8.  Because there is not school on Friday, homework is due tomorrow, Thursday, 3/7.  We will also have our spelling test tomorrow.  
Have a wonderful long weekend! 

World Fair Day

The World Fair Day is on Tuesday, 2/20/24.  This year the first graders have been learning about Iceland!  They should be able to say a few words to you in Icelandic.  We have also learned a song!  Ask them to sing it to you!  The English translation is Up and Down.  
You are welcome to come to school from 4:30 to 6:15 pm to experience the entire school's fair.  Bring the whole family and learn something new about our world!!! 

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2024!!!
It was great to see the first graders this morning!  We are working on reviewing our rules!  Most of us were a little extra chatty today but I am confident that we will be back in the groove in no time! 
Week 16 Homework was sent home today.  I, also, sent home the spelling list for our spelling test on Friday. 
We made reading goals for the end of first grade.  We should be reading at our reading levels every night.  You may log into RazKids to find books at your child's level.  Here's how you log in:

Teacher: mbyrne71

Click their name

Student passwords are their student ID/lunch number

Reading every night is so important.  Please make the effort to get your child in the regular routine of nightly reading.  


Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is another free dress day!  
There is no school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  I hope you have a great Thanksgiving holiday, if you celebrate! 
Next week is the last week of the first trimester.  If your child has been absent in the last few weeks, I am trying to catch them up and get any assessments done that they might have missed.  
As the weather gets colder, please make sure that your child is coming to school dressed for the weather.  We do go out to recess twice a day.  
December will be here soon and we will be decorating for winter and learning many new things! 
Have a wonderful week! 


Tomorrow is Halloween and is a free dress day.  Students do not need to wear their uniform.  
Thursday of this week is Picture retake day.  If your child needs to take a retake photo on that day, they may come out of uniform.  
Homework is sent home every day.  Students should be completing the homework and returning the next day.  Many students have not been handing their homework.  Please help your child remember to do their work and to also return it to school.  Thanks! 
Upcoming dates:

Nov. 2 Picture Retake Day

Nov. 6th Butterbraid Fundraiser begins

Nov. 9 – 10 Parent teacher conferences-Schedule your confreance today

Parent/Teacher conferences Thu. 11/9 (3:45pm - 6:45pm) and Fri. 11/10 (7:15am - 12:45pm). 



Super Hero Day

Tomorrow is Super Hero Day at Athlos.  Your child may come out of uniform and dress as their favorite super hero.  We have talked about all kinds of super heros! I look forward to seeing who they choose as their super hero!
Also, Monday is our Book Fair day.  We will be going to the book fair at 11:30.  Students may bring money on that day to shop.  

Week of October 16

Look at the Week October 17th

Hello First Grade Families!

Math: This week we will be reviewing lessons we have learned so far this year. We will be learning doubles and practice counting on when adding.

Homework: We will have math homework activity every day. This is mandatory and will be graded. Please make sure your child is completing their math homework nightly.

LA: This week we will finish unit two in our Benchmark reading curriculum.  We will be reviewing what the character looks, feels, acts like, and something the character says in the story.  We will  continue working on end punctuation, when to use capital letters, and creating complete sentences. On Wednesday we will have a reading comprehension assessment.

Homework: Make sure your child is reading and working on sight words for at least twenty minutes each night.


Science: We will complete our science lesson on life cycles and living things. We will have a science assessment on Wednesday.


We go outside for recess twice daily, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather.


Up Coming Events:

Oct. 17 Bingo for Books-families welcome after school event

Oct. 18 Unity Day-wear orange to spread unity

Oct. 19th-20th No school MEA Break

Oct. 27 Super Hero Day-Free dress day for all students

Oct. 30- Nov. 3 Book Fair-Students may purchase books

Nov. 2 Picture Retake Day

Have a great week.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! Email is the best way to communicate with me. 

Mary Byrne 

[email protected]




Week of October 8

Hello First Grade Families! 

We are entering our 6th week of school.  Hard to believe! Here's what's happening this week:

Math: We will complete unit 2 in math. This week we will be working on  partners of ten, adding by counting on starting at the biggest number, finding number partners on a tens chart, and compare numbers while using tally marks in graphs. Friday we will take the unit two assessment.

Homework: We will have math homework every day. This is mandatory and will be graded. Please make sure your student is completing their math homework nightly.

Language Arts: This week we will continue unit two in our Benchmark reading curriculum.  We will continue to work on the story element of character.  We will, also,  be working on end punctuation, when to use capital letters, and creating complete sentences. On Friday we will have a reading comprehension test.  

Homework: Make sure your child is reading nightly. 

Phonics: this week we will be working with words with the short sound of u. 

Science: We will be learning about patterns in animal behavior. We will continue to learn about the life cycle of plants. 


We go outside for recess twice daily, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather.

Students will come home with a yellow homework folder daily. The side marked school needs to be completed and come back to school. The items on the home side should be taken out each night and left at home. Students will have a math worksheet to complete each night that is due the next school day. Completion of home work is required and graded. 

Up Coming Events:

Grand Parents breakfast Oct. 10th

Oct. 17 Bingo for Books-families welcome after school event

Oct. 18 Unity Day-wear orange to spread unity

Oct. 27 Super Hero Day-Free dress day for all students

Oct. 30- Nov. 3 Book Fair-Students may purchase books

Nov. 2 Picture Retake Day

Have a great week.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns! The best way to reach me is by email, but I am always willing to have a phone conversation or in person meeting. 

Mary Byrne